Stateline’s Guide To Picking The Correct EFTPOS Rolls:
Many people believe that all EFTPOS paper rolls are the same, however this is NOT the case!
Cheap paper rolls will use excess paper. This results in wasted resources, lower ROI, and isn’t environmentally sustainable. Stateline recommends Sydney businesses to be wary of settling for a smaller diameter roll as a small drop in diameter has a big effect on length. Finally, we recommend that when selecting your EFTPOS paper rolls, make sure that you keep quality in mind as fading can be a major issue.
What Size and Type of Roll does my machine take?
You’ll notice below that there are 3 measurements (each in millimetres) that denote the size of a roll.
These are the Width, Diameter and Core Size.

(A) Width –
When measuring EFTPOS Paper Rolls, the dimension referred to as the “Width” is the most important measurement.
There are two ways in which you can measure the width. You can measure directly from the roll or from a receipt that has already been printed out. If taking this measurement from the roll please refer to the diagram which shows you where to measure.
(B) Diameter –
NOTE: When measuring the diameter of your roll, it is important to never purchase a roll with a diameter bigger than the recommended size by the manufacturer. This is as the EFTPOS Paper Roll may not fit in the machine.
To measure the diameter, you must measure from edge to edge of the till roll going directly through the centre hole in the roll (The Core). The best way to do this is to put the roll down on a flat surface, with the flat side of the roll on the table so that it cannot roll.
(C) Core Size –
If the EFTPOS Paper Roll just sits in the machine (or sits in a “well”) then the core size does not matter, however the smaller the core is on the roll you are purchasing the more paper there will be in its place. If your machine does have a spindle that has to be used, then your core size must be matched to avoid purchasing a roll which will not work.